Free Tutorials
It is easy to love giving a piece of furniture a new look: it’s enjoyable, relaxing, almost meditative process. Of course there are moments when we can get frustrated, discouraged or even stressed choosing the right colors or technique. But in the end it is like going back to childhood: playing and having fun.
Painting the furniture is like any other hobby: more you learn about it, more you practice, more fun you will have.
Let’s start with free tutorials, which I am posting on my YouTue channel My Colorful France.
If you want to master the techniques watch as many videos of the different artists as you can and start practicing.
After you learn the basics the best way to progress is to enrol in online course or workshop where you can master and refine your technique.

Here are just a few painting techniques you can learn watching my free tutorials on YouTube.
Click the links and enjoy watching.
How to Paint Textures and Layers
Do you think that the paint-brush is the main tool when you are painting the furniture with chalk paint? How about a sponge, a rubber window cleaner, a spatula and many more tools you never thought about using? How about using a saw-dust as a medium to create a texture?
How to Create OldWorld Look
There are so many ways to create an old-world rustic style on any piece of furniture. In these videos I am exploring a few ways; some probably known to you and others are completely innovative.
A few colors of chalk paint, some texture and a new piece becomes aged and authentic.
How to Blend with Chalk Paint
Do you want to create an old rustic look easily and learn how to blend chalk paint with the ragging technique; how to achieve a 3-D look, create some depth on the surface of our piece by blending a few colors together and using the decorative waxes?
These videos are packed with tips and techniques.
How to Create Layers with Chalk Paint
II am inviting you to watch how to create layers of the chalk paint on furniture makeover. You can learn here how to blend the chalk paint, how to use paint wash on your furniture and how to use the decorative waxes as a finishing touch.
Chalk Paint White or Color Wash
The easiest way to enhance the color, which you have painted your piece of furniture with, is to do a paint wash. Depending on the base color you’re using you can do a white or a color wash. There are also a few different techniques you can apply when doing a paint wash.